Services - People

It’s easy to forget that People play a critical part in the success of most IT projects and that this occurs both for your business and the technology vendor that you’ve engaged. We help you to manage both sides of this process. We work with you and your staff to ensure simple change management occurs, that business processes are aligned with the new technology and that the end to end process is managed. At the same time, we ensure that your technology vendor is speaking your language and delivering what you need.

Business Process Review and Realignment

"We've always done it like that" is the most dangerous phrase in a business.

Our Business Process Review and Realignment Service is designed to help you efficiently and successfully deliver process optimisation within your business, particularly if you’re about to go through or have just been through a period of organisational change.

The needs of an efficient and productive business will change over time, which means your business process often needs to adapt and change too. Otherwise processes that once used to help the business now become a road-block to effective operation.

We start by focusing on understanding your Current Business State. We include financial, technological and operational aspects, as well as your short and long-term business vision and strategy.

Our next step is to analyse the information gathered and transform it into your Future State Process, the output of which is either a step-by-step Future State Process document, a Recommendations Report highlighting your change and solutions options, or both.

When you’re ready for process change we'll help you to successfully implement it, working on site with your team. We'll assist with your internal project management, manage your vendors, or become a hands-on part of your project team.


It’s important for us to ensure that the solution that we've provided fills your business needs. After a nominated period of time, we can return for a change review in order to solve any potential issues and assist you to incorporate user feedback. In this way, we know and you know that we have delivered a valued, lasting solution to your business.

If you’d like to talk to us about our Business Process Review and Realignment Service, click here

Change and People

IT projects often, unfortunately, fall prey to the assumption that the business side of the change doesn’t need to be managed. The theory is that staff will intuitively accept the change and easily integrate it into their daily workflow.

However, most people like stability in their daily working life. They thrive with routine and consistency. They want to be able to rely on the way things operate and where they fit in. When you introduce change to these people, it can be highly traumatic. In fact, in can often trigger the physiological response of Fight or Flight in people - read more about this here.


Business changes often create confusion and uncertainty for people, to the point where staff could be questioning whether this change means that their job is no longer relevant.

We often underestimate the impact business change can have on people and assume that they’ll just “do what they’re told”. However, if you really want change to be successfully embraced in your business, it’s important to be aware of the different ways people can react to it.

We can help you develop simple or detailed Change Plans, identifying change strategies, tactics or tasks in order to help staff understand and accept the upcoming change. We’re not interested in giving you a complicated and generic Change Management checklist, but rather a working document that will assist you with effective and lasting business change.

If you’d like to talk to us about our Change Management services, click here

Process and Applications Project Management

Over 60% of IT Projects fail due to lack of effective Project Management. Don’t let your business become the latest statistic.


A 100% successful IT project is the Holy Grail for most IT departments in businesses. Most people have heard so many project horror stories that senior managers often believe that it’s impossible to deliver an IT Project on time, on budget and with significant business gain. Instead, they get caught up in all the tales from the trenches, which scare them with continual scope creep, budget blowouts and projects that never seem to end.

If you’re a little short-staffed, or even just overloaded with the day to day, Business System Alchemy can work with your IT team to assist with project delivery. We’ll make sure your project is delivered on time, on budget and to the satisfaction of senior management.

We tailor and right-size our project delivery methods based on your business needs and your project needs. Too much project management can sometimes become a road block for small business, similarly, too little can mean there isn’t enough control and direction.

We have PMBOK, PRINCE2 or Agile Project Managers, who work on either small scale delivery or long term transformations, for both large and smaller businesses. If your project is more than just straight solution delivery, we can provide "Triple-threat" project managers who can help you with Business Process Reviews, Project Management and Change Management assistance.

When we work with a business, we see ourselves as part of the business. However, every project has a clear beginning, a defined duration and a clear end. We’ll work closely with and support your team during project delivery, but also ensure that the right knowledge transfer happens so that your business is self-supporting when we leave.

Our specialities include ERP Upgrades or Implementations, Field Service Mobility rollout, Document Management (including AP Automation), App Delivery, Interface Management, Infrastructure changes and Business Process Change Delivery.

Click here to request your initial project assessment at no charge.

Vendor Management

IT software vendors and their customers often speak different languages. When a business has an issue, they tend to speak in functional business terms. IT vendors tend to speak technically, or in software solution terms. Both sides gravitate to what they know.

This can mean that conversations with your vendor can be frustrating for both sides, they can be counter-productive, or can never actually reach a satisfactory result.

We work as the translators between the IT software vendor and your business. We'll help your business to phrase questions in a way that vendors can understand, as well as "translating" their response into something meaningful for you. Similarly, we'll work with your vendors to help them to understand what your business request means in terms of their software and how it's going to be used. We cut through all the buzz-words and tech-speak, help you to understand confusing quotes and give you a clear understanding of what you are or aren’t being provided with.

Your IT vendors should function as though they are an extension of your business resources and like all organisational resources, better performance can be achieved with a level of management.

Once communication channels have been cleared, we'll also help you manage your vendor performance. We can assist your business with implementing vendor SLAs, performance reviews and risk management/control, helping you to further develop a strong, strategic relationship.


The result? A happy, productive partnership between you and your vendor.

Need a Vendor Health Check or ongoing Vendor assistance? Click here to talk to us.