Services - Technology

The Technology aspect of an IT project is often taken for granted. Our clients often say “it should just work”.  However, we often don’t see or understand the technical complexity that’s required in order to provide that feature or function, so when things don’t work, it can be a much bigger problem to unravel. We work with both you and your technology vendor to ensure that neither side is making decisions based on assumptions and that all of your functional and technical requirements are covered. Our priority is to ensure that your technical solution does in fact meet your business needs.

Integration Services

Over the last ten years it has become more common for companies to select the best software for the functional requirement, rather than compromising and trying to do everything within their ERP software. 

However, following this type of Best of Breed policy means that your business could end up with multiple software systems (and vendors) that don’t talk to each other. What you really need is to use Best of Breed software, but still have data flowing seamlessly between systems.

Sometimes your business may also need to use your Customer, Supplier or Vendor's software system. This scenario often creates a lot more administration work in your own business, as you're then relying on "Swivel-chair integration" with users working between two screens to keep both systems up to date.

We'll get all your vendors and their software systems communicating effectively with your own, by providing a right-sized integration between software packages. 


We create functional and technical specifications for software system integrations, as well as communicating in “tech-speak” with your vendors on your behalf, with your business needs in mind. We then build the integration between systems for you, or create the interim "Web Hook Listener" you need. Click here for more information on our Web-Hook Listener.

We do all of this by ensuring we understand your current Financial, Operational and Technological processes and structures, and then checking that the technology integration method on offer is the right solution for the future of your business. We’re the safety net so that you can be confident that your people, process and technology will fit together.

We work between various ERP packages and Best of Breed systems, such as Document Management, Field Mobility, Business Intelligence solutions or industry-specialist software. We'll help you to understand your options so that you can provide maximum value back to your business.

If you’d like to learn more about our Integration Services, click here.

Bespoke Mobile Applications and Web Services


It's no surprise to any business to learn that smart device usage has been gradually surpassing desktop interactions. Our relationship with technology is evolving and consumers expect businesses to be “App-ready” or “web-ready”.

As business practices shift, transitioning internal systems from paper-based methods to digital solutions is more crucial than ever. While integrating every process into your ERP might not always be feasible, a bespoke app or web portal designed for smartphones or tablets can deliver substantial ROI, especially when it integrates seamlessly with your ERP system.

At Business System Alchemy, we specialise in creating custom, business-specific Apps and Web Portals that align with the changing technology environment.

We design products for any environment, including iOS, Android, Windows and Linux, or use technology such as .NETMAUI to create apps that can work across all environments.

Whether you need a customer-focused solution or a tool to streamline internal processes, we’re here to help you design, develop, and deploy a product that reduces costs and enhances customer satisfaction. Plus, we can handle the necessary ERP or system integrations for you.

Our expertise spans over 30 years in technical Research and Development, and we are skilled in a variety of technologies including PHP, C#, Swift, JavaScript, Node.js, and SQL. We design solutions for all platforms, including iOS, Android, Windows, and Linux, or leverage .NET MAUI for cross-platform compatibility.

Ready to elevate your business with a tailored digital solution? Click here to book a session with one of our App Services specialists.

System Selection

Selecting a new software package, whether it’s for whole of ERP, or supplemental software like Accounts Payable Automation, can be a daunting process. Once you’ve entered the Sales Cycle with a vendor, it can be a whirlwind of exciting features and special deals, all designed to dazzle the buyer and distract you from making sure your key requirements are filled.

Every IT Salesperson will tell you that their product can do anything and everything. They'll attempt to get you interested in the high impact areas of their product which you most likely don’t even need.

We won’t choose your new software for you, but we will provide you with tools and processes to help you refine your requirements list and ensure that your Vendor discussions and presentations stay on track and address your key business needs.

We'll help you find potential software solutions and evaluate them, using our Ranking Matrix to find the best percentage fit based on your needs.


As part of this process, we'll do the translation so that you know what the "vendor speak" means.

You'll be able to get through all the Sales Razzle Dazzle with full confidence that you have the information you need in order to get to the truth of what they're offering.

If you'd like assistance with a System Selection project, click here to talk to us.

Data Quality

As the old saying goes, “Garbage in, Garbage out”...

Ongoing management of Data Quality in business software systems is a critical but frequently forgotten task. However, either through lack of understanding of the software package, or through an assumption that the software will “keep the data clean”, it’s fairly common for businesses to end up in a position where their data isn’t managed and becomes meaningless or impossible to report on.

We'll help you to identify how well you are capturing and managing your system data, as well as the steps you need to optimise it. This can occur as part of, or supplemental to, a basic system Health Check.

The resulting output can be as hands-on or hands-off as you need, ranging from providing you with a checklist and instructions for cleansing, or getting in and helping you do the hard work.

If you’d like to talk to us about our Data Quality services, click here
