One of the running jokes about ERP is that the business always thinks that the last software package was better than the current software package, even when everyone hated the last software package. After the initial honeymoon period of a new software implementation, it’s pretty common for staff to start to focus on the system flaws and what it does …
Business Change and Fight or Flight
Have you ever worked on a business change project that provoked very intense or out-of-character reactions in other staff? Someone who was a normally calm, rational, team member may have suddenly become aggressive in meetings, or someone previously quite helpful or vocal would silently retreat to a corner during project discussions. Fundamentally, this team member wasn’t happy with the change and they were …
The Hidden Business Cost of Spreadsheets
The last twenty years has seen the rise of business ERP and management systems. Software management systems that previously were financially out of reach for many businesses, are now seen as a reasonable, worthwhile investment. In addition, the initial very short list of available options available has now developed into a myriad of new software systems, each often allowing for …
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