Business Change and Fight or Flight

The AlchemistBusiness Process Re-Engineering, Change Management, Project Management

Have you ever worked on a business change project that provoked very intense or out-of-character reactions in other staff? Someone who was a normally calm, rational, team member may have suddenly become aggressive in meetings, or someone previously quite helpful or vocal would silently retreat to a corner during project discussions. Fundamentally, this team member wasn’t happy with the change and they were …

The Negotiation of Change

The AlchemistBusiness Process Review, Change Management, Project Management

I was talking to a Business Manager recently about the change aspects of his IT project. We discussed the issues he might have around translation of existing business processes into the new IT system, as well as the cultural impact those changes might bring. I gave him some suggestions regarding methods of managing the change in the business and he …

Project Kick Starters for the New Year

The AlchemistBusiness Process Review, Change Management, Project Management

We all like the idea of starting the New Year with a clean slate, with all our old problems or projects solved or resolved. Unfortunately, life in a business isn’t always that simple. More often than not, you had a project underway but it was derailed somewhere at the beginning of December and ended up in “Christmas limbo”. So now …

It’s Never Too Late to Start the Process of Change

The AlchemistBusiness Process Review, Change Management, Project Management

We’re getting close to the end of the year! Sometimes that can be a frustrating time for a business, when you know you still have so much you want to achieve but you can’t find the time. It can also be disheartening if you’ve spent the year trying to get project going, but not been able to make any progress. …

Three Easy Tips to Encourage People Change in Business

The AlchemistBusiness Process Review, Change Management, Project Management

Have you ever wished you had a magic wand to deal with difficult people at work? It’s not that they are annoying on a daily basis, but more that when it’s time to do something differently, or try something new, they are the ones digging their heels in that you have to drag kicking and screaming. You might think you’re …

The Alchemy of IT Project Delivery

The AlchemistBusiness Process Review, Change Management

The study of Alchemy has existed since Ancient Times. In the Hellenistic city of Alexandria, technology, religion, mythology and philosophy were studied, forming one of the earliest records of alchemy in the Western world. Alchemists are most often remembered as “people who tried to turn lead into gold” and in actual fact, the rise of Alchemy in the west is …

Top Five Ways to Recognise Business Process Bloat

Ruxana D'VineBusiness Process Review, ERP

Process Bloat is everywhere in business. It’s often hidden well, like a secret addiction, and for good reason: if you knew it was there, you’d take it away. “Surely that’s not happening in my business,” you might say, “my staff are fantastic and they’re highly efficient!” There’s most likely nothing wrong with your staff, but everything wrong with the processes …