Objective Our client, a government department encompassing multiple industries, needed an AP Automation solution that allowed users to accurately rectify errors or mismatches within their ERP. Their current system provided a similar function, but also allowed Finance users to override system controls and create process issues for the Operational teams. We were engaged to provide a functional and technical specification …
Redevelopment of Business Critical ERP Customisations
Objective A national transport business had been stuck on a very old legacy version of their ERP software. A change (or two) in ownership had meant that it had been impossible to get budget to upgrade to a more current version. Unfortunately, issues with cutomisations added during the initial implementation led to a bad design, along with an outdated database …
Optimising ERP to streamline business process
Objective The business owners had acquired their business upon exit from a larger, multi-national, entity and had inherited an ERP configured for a more complex environment. The owners were seeking to remove complexity, unnecessary customisations and system restrictions that were causing process roadblocks. It was also seen as an opportunity to improve the system efficiency and make use of functionality …
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