The Not-So-Hidden Business Cost of Spreadsheets

The AlchemistBusiness Process Re-Engineering, ERP

The last thirty years has seen the gradual dominance of ERP and management systems across business. Software management systems that previously were financially out of reach for many businesses, are now reasonable and worthwhile investments. In addition, there is now a large selection of available software systems, ranging from whole-of-business to best-of-breed, to products specific to industry-based verticals.  However, one …

BI for Beginners

The AlchemistBusiness Intelligence, Business Process Review, Project Management

Business Intelligence. Everyone seems to be talking about it, telling you why you need it, how you should use it and how much money you’re potentially losing by not having “information at your fingertips”. It all sounds good in principle, but what does it really mean? And how what will it add to your business? When you bring it back …