Do you have the right ERP for your business?

The AlchemistBusiness Process Re-Engineering, Business Process Review, ERP, Integration Services, Vendor Management

One of the running jokes about ERP is that the business always thinks that the last software package was better than the current software package, even when everyone hated the last software package. After the initial honeymoon period of a new software implementation, it’s pretty common for staff to start to focus on the system flaws and what it does …

What does a software vendor really mean when they say they can “integrate to anything”?

The AlchemistIntegration Services, Technical Services, Vendor Management

Over the last ten years we’ve seen a trend where businesses pick “best of breed” (BoB) software to meet process needs rather than trying to do everything in their ERP software. This is a great path to follow, as a BoB package will often provide the best software solution for a specific process. However, it only becomes truly optimal if …

Is Paper Burying your Business and is Document Management software the solution?

The AlchemistBusiness Process Review, Change Management, ERP, Integration Services, Project Management, Technical Services, Vendor Management

Generating paper forms has become one of the most frequent, recurring actions in modern offices. We print everything – emails, reports, invoices, spreadsheet data, letters, customer correspondence – the idea of the printed copy being that we have tangible, physical representation that an action has occurred, or confirmation that a task needs to take place. In many circumstances, a hard …